
Monday, September 3, 2012

Homework, Homework, Homework...

Team 16 will slowly be getting into a homework routine.  The first steps for a successful homework strategy is for each child and their family to come up with a detailed homework plan.  By this I mean, when your child comes home from school each day, where do they put their backpacks?  Are they responsible for taking out important items and if they are, where should those items go?

Where is your child going to do his/ her homework?  What time? How long? Will they get any breaks?  What do they do if they need help?  Where do they put their homework when they are finished?  Who is responsible for packing up their backpack each night or morning for the next school day?

Depending on your child's schedule, this plan may look different each day of the week.  Plan out a daily homework schedule for the entire week, print it out, and display it above the place you selected together to do the homework.  Having a plan in place that you create together guarantees a more positive homework environment with clear expectations.

Please start thinking about this and having a conversation as a family about what would be a good homework plan.  I will be sending out a homework planning sheet later this week.

Happy Planning!

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